Welcome to the privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") for Contemporary Collective

The services available at are provided by Artellite Ltd. ("Artellite Ltd", "we", "us" or "our").

Your privacy is very important to us. Please read this Privacy Policy to learn about the ways in which we use and protect your personal information.

This Privacy Policy applies from 1 October 2010 for new registering users and applies from 1 March 2007 for all users registered prior to 1 October 2010.


By accepting this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Condition, you expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner prescribed in this Privacy Policy. If you object to this use and disclosure please do not register. Please note that your Information will be stored and processed on our computers in the UK . Contemporary Collective will hold and transmit your information in a safe, confidential and secure environment. Contemporary Collective will never sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent. This Privacy Policy applies to the website (the "Site").


Our services are not available to children and we ask that persons under the age of 18 do not submit any personal information to us. If you are under 18 years old, you can use this service only in conjunction with and under the supervision of a parent or guardian.


Our primary goal in collecting personal information is to provide you with a safe, efficient, and personalised experience. We only collect personal information about you that we consider necessary for this purpose. In general, you can browse the Site without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. Once you give us your personal information, you are not anonymous to us. If you choose to use our services, we may require you to provide contact and identity information, financial information and other personal information as indicated on the forms throughout the Site. Where possible, we indicate which fields are required and which fields are optional. You always have the option not to provide information by choosing not to use a particular service or feature. Under some circumstances we may require some additional financial information, such as, but not limited to, credit card details if you are registering using an email account at certain email services, or registering to sell on the Site. We use this financial information to help verify your name, address, and other information. We may also use this information to charge you for your use of our services. We automatically collect and process certain information based upon your use of the Site. We use this information to conduct internal research on our users' demographics, interests, and behaviour to better understand, serve and protect you and our community. This information may include the URL that you just came from (whether this URL is on the Site or not), which URL you next go to (whether this URL is on the Site or not), browser information, and your IP address. We use data collection devices such as "cookies" on certain pages of the Site. "Cookies" are small files placed on your hard drive that assist us in providing customised services and to help promote safer trading. We also offer certain features that are only available through the use of a cookie. We also use cookies to allow you to enter your password less frequently while you are using the Site. Cookies can also help us provide information which we tailor to your interests. Most cookies are "session cookies", meaning that they are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of a session using the Site. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, although in that case you may not be able to use certain features on the Site and you may be required to re-enter your password more frequently while you are using the Site. If you choose to buy or sell on the Site, we collect information about your buying and selling behavior. If you choose to post messages on our community boards, chat rooms or other message areas or leave feedback for other users, we will collect that information. If you send us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, or if other users or third parties send us correspondence about your activities or postings on the Site, we may collect such information into a file specific to you.


You agree that we may use personally identifiable information about you to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to analyze site usage, improve our content and product offerings, and customise the Site's content, layout, and services. These uses improve the Site and better tailor it to meet your needs. You agree that we may use your information to contact you and deliver information to you that, in some cases, are targeted to your interests, such as targeted banner advertisements, administrative notices, product offerings, and communications relevant to your use of the Site. By accepting the Terms and Condition and reading this Privacy Policy, you expressly agree to receive this information.


As a matter of policy, Contemporary Collective will never sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent. However, the following describes some of the ways that we may disclose your personally identifiable information. (a) Advertisers. We aggregate (gather up data across all user accounts) personally identifiable information and disclose such information in a non-personally identifiable manner to advertisers and other third parties for other marketing and promotional purposes. However, in these situations, we do not disclose to these entities any information that could be used to identify you personally. Certain information, such as your name, email address, password, credit card number, and bank account number are never disclosed to third party advertisers. (b) Internal Service Providers. We may use third parties that we refer to as internal service providers to facilitate or outsource one or more elements of our services (e.g., search, identity verification, discussion boards, surveys, affiliate and reward programmes) and therefore we may provide some of your personally identifiable information directly to them. These internal service providers' are subject to confidentiality agreements with us and other legal restrictions that prohibit their use of the information we provide them for any other purpose except to facilitate the specific outsourced Contemporary Collective related operation, unless you have explicitly agreed or given your prior permission to them for additional uses. In some instances, the internal service provider may collect information directly from you (such as the situation where we ask a internal service provider to conduct a survey for us). In these cases, you will be notified of the involvement of the internal service provider, and all information disclosures you make will be strictly optional. If you provide additional information to an internal service provider directly, then their use of your information is governed by their applicable privacy policy. (c) Other Corporate Entities. You agree that we may share personally identifiable information about you with our parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and joint ventures that are committed to serving your online needs and related services, throughout the world. Our parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and joint ventures follow privacy practices no less protective of all users than our practices described in this Privacy Policy, to the extent allowed by applicable law. It is possible that Contemporary Collective, its subsidiaries, its joint ventures, or any combination of such, could merge with or be acquired by another business entity. Should such a combination occur, you should expect and agree that Contemporary Collective may share some or all of your information in order to continue to provide the service. You will receive notice of such event (to the extent it occurs) as provided in Section 9 ("Notice") and we will require that the new combined entity follow the practices disclosed in this Privacy Policy. (d) Legal Requests. Contemporary Collective cooperates with law enforcement inquiries, as well as other third parties, to enforce laws and third party rights, such as intellectual property rights and laws relating to fraud. Therefore, in response to a verified request by law enforcement or other government officials such as a Section 29 (3) Data Protection Act 1998 form relating to a criminal investigation or alleged illegal activity, or other activity that may expose us or you to legal liability, we can (and you authorise us to) disclose personal information such as name, address, telephone number, email address, User ID history, and bidding and listing history about you as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate. Further, we can (and you authorise us to) disclose your User ID, name, address, telephone number, email address, and company name to Contemporary Collective participants under a confidentiality agreement as we in our sole discretion believe necessary or appropriate in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement or other unlawful activity. We cannot ensure that all of your communications with Contemporary Collective and other personally identifiable information will never be disclosed in ways not otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. For example, third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications, or users may abuse or misuse your information that they collect from the Site. Therefore, although we use industry standard practices to protect your privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personally identifiable information or communications with Contemporary Collective will always remain private.


Except as otherwise expressly included in this Privacy Policy, this document only addresses the use and disclosure of information we collect from you. To the extent that you disclose your information to other parties, whether they are buyers or sellers on the Site or other sites throughout the Internet, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the information you disclose to them. To the extent that we use third party advertisers, they adhere to their own privacy policies. Since Contemporary Collective does not control the privacy policies of third parties, you are subject to the privacy policies of that third party. We encourage you to ask questions before you disclose your personal information to others


Contemporary Collective uses industry standard practices to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal identifiable information, including encryption, "firewalls" and Secure Socket Layers. Contemporary Collective treats data as an asset that must be protected against loss and unauthorised access.


We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time in order that it accurately reflects the regulatory environment and our own data collection and disclosure practices. All amended terms shall automatically be effective 30 days after they are initially posted on the Site.



Access to and use of this Website and the products and services available through this Website (collectively, the "Services") are subject to the following terms, conditions and notices (the "Terms of Service"). By using the Services, you are agreeing to all of the Terms of Service, as may be updated by us from time to time. You should check this page regularly to take notice of any changes we may have made to the Terms of Service. Access to this Website is permitted on a temporary basis, and we reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Services without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason this Website is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts or all of this Website. This Website also contains links to other websites, which are not operated by Contemporary Collective (the "Linked Sites"). Contemporary Collective has no control over the Linked Sites and accepts no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. Your use of the Linked Sites will be subject to the terms of use and service contained within each such site.


Our privacy policy, which sets out how we will use your information, can be found at Privacy Policy. By using this Website, you consent to the processing described therein and warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.


You must not misuse this Website. You will not: commit or encourage a criminal offence; transmit or distribute a virus, trojan, worm, logic bomb or post any other material which is malicious, technologically harmful, in breach of confidence or in any way offensive or obscene; hack into any aspect of the Service; corrupt data; cause annoyance to other users; infringe upon the rights of any other person's proprietary rights; send any unsolicited advertising or promotional material, commonly referred to as "spam"; or attempt to affect the performance or functionality of any computer facilities of or accessed through this Website. Breaching this provision would constitute a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. Contemporary Collective will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and disclose your identity to them. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of this Website or to your downloading of any material posted on it, or on any website linked to it.


The intellectual property rights in all software and content made available to you on or through this Website remains the property of Contemporary Collective or its licensors and are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved by Contemporary Collective and its licensors. You may store, print and display the content supplied solely for your own personal use. You are not permitted to publish, manipulate, distribute or otherwise reproduce, in any format, any of the content or copies of the content supplied to you or which appears on this Website nor may you use any such content in connection with any business or commercial enterprise. You shall not modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on any software or accompanying documentation supplied by Contemporary Collective or its licensors. No licence or consent is granted to you to use these marks in any way, and you agree not to use these marks or any marks which are colourably similar without the written permission of Contemporary Collective.



Contemporary Collective reserves the right to close accounts or refuse service if any user is seen to be using proxy IPs (Internet Protocol addresses) in order to attempt to hide the use of multiple accounts or disrupts any of our services in any way. If you use multiple logins for the purpose of disrupting the community you may have action taken against all of your accounts.


By submitting images and text to us, you grant Contemporary Collective the royalty-free right and license, to use your jpg images and supporting text, to reproduce, modify, edit, adapt, publish, distribute and display such material (in whole, or part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other forms, media, or technology now known, or later developed for marketing and promotion purposes. You also acknowledge that Contemporary Collective is not obliged to publish any material submitted by you on any Contemporary Collective publication. N.B. Please contact us if you wish your images and/ or text not be used in our marketing and promotional activities. We advise that you never reveal any personal information about yourself or anyone else (telephone number, home address, business address, delivery address or email address or any other details that would allow you to be personally identified). In certain circumstances Contemporary Collective may also share your contribution with trusted third parties.


If you fail to abide by these Community Rules you may be sent an email which informs you why your contribution has been refused or edited. This email will also include a warning that continuing to break the rules may result in action being taken against your account or accounts. This action may include any content posted by you being checked before allowed to go on the site or a temporary or permanent suspension of your ability to participate in any or all areas of Contemporary Collective. Contemporary Collective reserves the right to delete any contribution, or take action against any Contemporary Collective account, at any time, for any reason. If you do not want to grant Contemporary Collective the permission set out above on these terms, please do not submit or share your contribution on the Community website.



After placing an order on Our Website, you will receive a Confirmation Email. This does not mean that your order has been accepted. Your order constitutes an offer to us to buy the product(s) you have ordered. All orders are subject to acceptance by us. Orders will only be accepted by us upon dispatch of the product(s) you have ordered. We will confirm such acceptance to you by sending you an email which confirms that the order has been dispatched ("Dispatch Confirmation"). The contract will be formed when we send you the Dispatch Confirmation, unless we notify you that we do not accept your order or if you have cancelled it. By placing an order you are offering to purchase a product on and subject to the following terms and conditions. All orders are subject to availability and confirmation of the order price. Dispatch times may vary according to availability and any guarantees or representations made as to delivery times are limited to mainland UK and subject to any delays resulting from postal delays or force majeure for which we will not be responsible. Please see our Buying from Us notice for further information. In order to contract with Contemporary Collective you must be over 18 years of age and possess a valid credit or debit card issued by a bank acceptable to us. Contemporary Collective retains the right to refuse any request made by you. If your order is accepted we will inform you by email or phone and we will confirm the identity of the party which you have contracted with. This will usually be Contemporary Collective or may in some cases be a third party. Where a contract is made with a third party Contemporary Collective is not acting as either agent or principal and the contract is made between yourself and that third party and will be subject to the terms of sale which they supply you. When placing an order you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorised user of the credit or debit card used to place your order and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods. The cost of foreign products and services may fluctuate. All prices advertised are subject to such changes.

  1. Our Contract: When you place an order, you will receive an acknowledgement e-mail or phone confirming receipt of your order: this communication will only be an acknowledgement and will not constitute acceptance of your order. A contract between us will not be formed until we provide you with confirmation by e-mail or phone that the goods which you ordered have been dispatched to you. Only those goods listed in the confirmation e-mail sent at the time of dispatch will be included in the contract formed.

  2. Pricing and Availability: Whilst we try and ensure that all details, descriptions and prices which appear on this Website are accurate, errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of any goods which you have ordered we will inform you of this as soon as possible and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or cancelling it. If we are unable to contact you we will treat the order as cancelled. If you cancel and you have already paid for the goods, you will receive a full refund. Delivery costs will be charged in addition; such additional charges are clearly displayed where applicable and included in the 'Total Cost' on your order confirmation.

  3. Payment: Upon receiving your order we carry out a standard pre-authorisation check on your payment card to ensure there are sufficient funds to fulfil the transaction. Goods will not be dispatched until this pre-authorisation check has been completed. Your card will be debited once the order has been accepted.


  1. Account discount codes - Discount codes may from time to time be offered to account holders; such codes may only be applied to purchases made through the account in respect of which the discount code was offered and registered.

  2. Promotional discount codes - We may from time to time offer promotional discount codes which may apply in respect of any, or certain specified, purchases made though this Website.

  3. Only ONE discount code can be used in an individual transaction.


  1. Gift vouchers are only valid for a limited time and the voucher must be used by the date shown on the voucher – check your voucher to find out when to use it by.

  2. We’re afraid we can’t accept any responsibility for stolen or deleted gift vouchers.

  3. We’ll despatch your gift voucher either as soon as payment has been cleared or on your specified delivery date (if this is later). We’re afraid we can’t be responsible for any delays, no matter how they are caused.

  4. If you are the purchaser, please double check the delivery email address you enter – it is your responsibility to do so and we’re afraid we can’t be held responsible if a gift voucher is used by someone other than your recipient if the email address entered is incorrect. In addition, we can’t take responsibility for any gift vouchers that are lost or used by someone other than your recipient after delivery. Make sure your recipient has received their gift voucher, as it is their responsibility to keep the voucher details safe.

  5. From time to time, gift vouchers may get caught in pesky spam filters, and it’s up to the recipient to check these filters. We can’t take responsibility if a gift voucher cannot be delivered to the recipient’s email address because of spam filters, firewalls, and the capacity of the recipient’s mailbox or any other factors outside of our control.

  6. If you need a refund, this will be made in the same way as the original payment method (such as onto a gift voucher, debit/credit card account, or a combination of the two).

  7. As you’d expect, we reserve the right to vary these terms and conditions. The conditions of use relating to any discount code will be specified at the time of issue.


You can pay for our collection service using the credit / debit card you would pay for normal goods and our terms of sale apply for this service. Please note, we do not accept gift vouchers or discounts as part or full payment for this service. Once the service is paid for, we cannot make changes to it. Therefore, if you wish to amend the address, you will need to cancel the collection and pay for a new one. We will collect your goods anytime between 7am – 7pm on your chosen date, at the address you have given when ordering your collection. We need an address that the courier can access and a responsible adult must be present to hand over the goods. If the courier is unsuccessful in their attempt to collect your goods, you will still be charged the cost of the service. In the rare event we fail to collect your goods because of a courier or Contemporary Collective failure, we will refund you the cost of the service. The items within the return are all subject to our Returns policy and the collection of the goods does not imply an acceptance of their return. We will accept cancellation requests made before 7am, 1 working day before the booked collection date. After 7am we will commit your request to our Courier and the service will become non-refundable.


The material displayed on this Website is provided without any guarantees, conditions or warranties as to its accuracy. Unless expressly stated to the contrary to the fullest extent permitted by law Contemporary Collective and its suppliers, content providers and advertisers hereby expressly exclude all conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute, common law or the law of equity and shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever, including but without limitation to any direct, indirect, special, consequential, punitive or incidental damages, or damages for loss of use, profits, data or other intangibles, damage to goodwill or reputation, or the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services, arising out of or related to the use, inability to use, performance or failures of this Website or the Linked Sites and any materials posted thereon, irrespective of whether such damages were foreseeable or arise in contract, tort, equity, restitution, by statute, at common law or otherwise. This does not affect Contemporary Collective's liability for death or personal injury arising from its negligence, nor for fraudulent misrepresentation, misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.


You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists. You must not establish a link from any website that is not owned by you. This Website must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of this Website other than the home page. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.


Except where expressly stated to the contrary all persons (including their names and images), third party trade marks and images of third party products, services and/or locations featured on this Website are in no way associated, linked or affiliated with Contemporary Collective and you should not rely on the existence of such a connection or affiliation. Any trade marks/names featured on this Website are owned by the respective trade mark owners. Where a trade mark or brand name is referred to it is used solely to describe or identify the products and services and is in no way an assertion that such products or services are endorsed by or connected to Contemporary Collective.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Contemporary Collective, its directors, officers, employees, consultants, agents, and affiliates, from any and all third party claims, liability, damages and/or costs (including, but not limited to, legal fees) arising from your use this Website or your breach of the Terms of Service. Variation Contemporary Collective shall have the right in its absolute discretion at any time and without notice to amend, remove or vary the Services and/or any page of this Website.


If any part of the Terms of Service is unenforceable (including any provision in which we exclude our liability to you) the enforceability of any other part of the Terms of Service will not be affected all other clauses remaining in full force and effect. So far as possible where any clause/sub-clause or part of a clause/sub-clause can be severed to render the remaining part valid, the clause shall be interpreted accordingly. Alternatively, you agree that the clause shall be rectified and interpreted in such a way that closely resembles the original meaning of the clause /sub-clause as is permitted by law.


We operate a complaints handling procedure which we will use to try to resolve disputes when they first arise, please let us know if you have any complaints or comments.


If you breach these conditions and we take no action, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these conditions.


These terms and conditions are to be construed in accordance with the laws of England and in the event of any dispute or claim associated with these terms and conditions, that dispute or claim shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


The above Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement of the parties and supersede any and all preceding and contemporaneous agreements between you and Contemporary Collective. Any waiver of any provision of the Terms of Service will be effective only if in writing and signed by a Director of Contemporary Collective.

Terms & Privacy