Johannes Nielsen
Born: Sweden, 1979. Based in Beijing, China
Disco, Oil on Canvas, 152 × 109 × 4 cm
Lunds Art School, Sweden (Fine Art, 2011)
Johannes Nielsens is a Swedish artist, he was born in 1979 in Falkenberg, Sweden. He graduated in 2003 in Fine Arts from the Lunds Art School. Between 2003 and 2005, he worked as an artistic assistant in Dublin then came back to Sweden, Gotenburg until 2007. He lives and works in Beijing now.
At the age of 8, he realized in bed during his repeated dreams that the perception of his own body could vary. He imagined himself with huge hands or thin needle like legs and sometimes woke up and realized that it was just a dream. This is when he understood the difference between rational objective reality and inner reality, an imagination where the human being seems to evolve constantly.
With the help of his creations, the artist wanted to transform this inner experience of the physical body by using clay and proportions. His sculptures are not only personal due to the depiction of this inner space, but a visible honest reality.
2003 Lunds Art School, Sweden, Diploma in Fine Art
2010 Signature Art Prize
2018 Damina Gallery, Hong Kong
Galleri Abante, Stockholm
Art Space, Shenzhen
Punto Gallery, Milan
2017 Spoon Artfair,Hong Kong
Art Stays, Ptuj
2016 AAF Singapore, Singapore
AAF Bristol, Bristol
AAF Battersea, London