Carles Azcon

Born: Australia, 1982.  Based in Barcelona, Spain

H2O, Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, 195 × 130 × 3 cm


University of Barcelona (MA Fine Arts: Realism and Environments , 2011)

Coinciding with the appearance of life and colour that spring brings to us, We are pleased to present a young Spanish artist, born in Canberra, Australia, where He spent his childhood.

Educated, later on, at the Fine Arts University of San Jorge in Barcelona, ​​Spain, were I received the Master "Besieged reality; Realisms and Environments", and I consolidated the powerful level of expressive vitality.
Consequent with the lineage of his teachers (Hernandez Pijuan, Joaquim Chancho, Gerard Sala, Albert Gonzalo), his work is part of nowadays, by tradition, on the most Informalism of painting and, more specifically, in the Catalan school of the same.

Art that moves away from the anecdotal social structures and fashion trends, promoting with the enthusiasm of youth, the development of a mature and worked sensitivity through the affirmation of colour as a foundation and expansion of its compositions.

Carles Azcon creations are a visionary display of essential emotions that stimulates our body of perception, dilating and opening sensitively chromatic symphonies that affect, very positively, our emotional state.
For that reason, that with the costume of this young author, We recover the visual joy, which in this exhibition We wish to share, for a genuine festival of paintings.

Create signs, stains and atmospheres through painting and colour to interpret life, a feeling or an emotion. Paint out an impulse, a sigh, a thought inside. From elements and processes that make up the biological nature. Such as is the process of photosynthesis, is something that has a visible to the human eye, but it exists. The importance of the real world to hear and re- enthusiasm for what one does. Channel the energy of a positive through colour and poetic space. Understand and catch or makes light as a leaf, is the analogy that when I seek to my creative process. This light has been left inside me, because the experiences every day, the externalised the fabric in the form of line, colour and energy. It is a ritual unconscious almost always. The act of applying it on the web is a way to do it conscious. Mental notes, thoughts immortalised in a sheet of paper, on a blog or on a canvas. Desires, emotions, passions that have emerged induced by this light that has been The trigger for this process. Capture a vision of the environment around me understand it from a spiritual point of view and time analysis. So every stroke after stroke are the result this natural process.


2011         University of Barcelona, MA: Realism and Environments
2010        University of Barcelona, BA Fine Art


2015        Selected for the Ibercaja Young Painting Prize 2015. Patio de la Infanta.
Thermalia Museum. Caldes de Montbui. Barcelona.
The II Biennale “d’art jove de l’Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sabadell”.
2014        Selected in the XIX Biennale d’Art Contemporani Català.
2013        Second prize in the sixth edition “Art Jove Cotxeres-Casinet”, Barcelona.
The Biennale “d’art jove de l’Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sabadell”
2012        Espai d’arts. Roca Umbert. Fàbrica de les Arts.
2011        Can Cabrit, Llinars del Vallès
Selected in Mollet’Art 2011, Museu Abelló. Mollet del Vallès.
Selected in the IV Abstract Painting Prize. La Nucía. Alicante


2018        Hungry Earth – A Call to Awareness, Es.Arte Gallery, Marbella.
Tierra de Hambre – Una llamada a la conciencia, Es.Arte Gallery
2017        Feriarte 2017. Galeria Jorge Alcolea. Madrid.
Cultur3 club. Festival de arte. Gijón, Asturias.
2016        Arts Libris. Feria internacional de la Edición Contemporánea.
Emotive constructions. Galería Jorge Alcolea. Madrid.
Spotlight for Spain. For ARCO Madrid. Saatchi Art.
2015        Art expo. Galería d’art Jordi Miguel. Barcelona.
Mostra d’art contemporàni. Acció solidària. Sant Feliu de Llobregat
X, l’Enigma com a creació. Carles Azcón. Sala Ciutat.
Teatre de la Passió d’Olesa, Olesa de Montserrat.
Sala Fortuny del Cercle de Lectura, Reus (Baix Camp).
2014        Mediterranium. Azcón. Hotel Grand Marina. Barcelona
Formes intuïtives a la natura.
SPAMDARTS. Sala zero. Espai d’arts, Roca Umbert. Granollers.
Premi Centelles LXXII Concurs de pintura.
XIX Mostra d’art jove d’Horta-Guinardó, Barcelona.
XIX Biennal d’Art Contemporàni Català. Sant Cugat del Vallès